Responsive screens that make easy access on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones). Created with mobile specialists.
So say goodbye to all your hectic manual works and grab your business opportunities easily.
No need to worry about the hassle of creating emails, invoices, vouchers, receipts, reports, etc.,
Converting leads/inquiries into actual business is the backbone of any travel and tour enterprise. However, managing your leads/inquiries, tracking them efficiently and ensuring that they are converted quickly to profitable sales is often easier said than done.
Sending quotes promptly and quickly to your potential customers is very, very important to closing deals effectively. Depending on staff strength and individual efficiency, creating and dispatching quotations manually can be a time-consuming and cumbersome task that could negatively affect your bottom-line.
Doing reservations for customers is yet another long-drawn-out process. Sending out vouchers, making transportation and hotel bookings for every customer requires concentrated effort and time. And unless you are superhuman, managing to do it error-free without having overlooked every minor detail is crucial and critically important to servicing your customers effectively.
Whether you’re interested in knowing more about TripMaker or would simply like to have a no-obligations demo at your premises, we’re here and would love to meet you at a time of your convenience.